Products & Services

At Ag-Safe Solutions Inc., we are a team of practically experienced and highly qualified professionals passionate about agriculture/ farm safety. Our team is committed to helping clients achieve their elusive goals of meeting and exceeding provincial and federal safety regulations at their work place.

Our team practically resolves all clients concerns and provide feasible solutions in maintaining safe workplace.


We provide consultancy services and support to the agriculture industry in developing sustainable HSE Management systems at the individual farm or group levels in the industry. Our processes are intended to ensure you are compliant with Federal regulations at all times.

Safe Work Practices

We provide you with approximately 60 Safe Work Practices (SWP) that are customizable to your business needs. Our SWPs are simple and ready for use in most situations. We identify Life Saving Principles within our SWPs.

Our goal: Everyone goes home safe every day.

Online Records - Learning

We provide an online training and competency assurance database for maintaining your training records. Our process has an early warning system to trigger refresher training where necessary. Your workers are always competency assured and records are maintained.

Our goal: Documentation is maintained.

Events / Incident Management

We provide you an online database for managing incidents when they occur. Our process is simple and helps us create a database of events that can allow us early intervention based on trends identified within the database.

Our goal: We collectively improve the industry HSE performance.

Safety Management Systems

We work with you to build your HSE management system that is aligned with the business needs and meets and exceeds the Federal requirements. Our process is ready and available for immediate implementation and brings you into compliance within short order where applicable.

Our goal: We all do the right thing, the right way, every time.

Training and Workshops

We provide training on how to implement and sustain your HSE Management System. Our training and workshops are also intended for all farm, processing plants and operations and is designed to improve worker competency on critical work practices. We conduct training and workshops on an individual farm, processing plant, operating unit or collective group basis. We come to you where necessary.

Our goal: A trained and competent workforce.

Regulatory Compliance Audits

We provide proactive audits to your site to ensure you are compliant with regulatory requirements. Our process is documented and intended to help you continually improve your compliance processes.

Our goal: Always in compliance.

Accidents Investigations & Shared Learning

We provide a consistent process for investigating incidents that allows us to get to the Root Causes of the incident. Learning where applicable can be shared consistently across all farms, processing plants and operations to prevent repeat of the same or similar incidents.

Our goal: We learn from incidents and events to prevent repeat.