Customized Safety Solutions

Our Safety Management System is based on Federal, Provincial regulations and best practices from other hazardous industries. Our team provides customized safety management system to specific needs of clients by providing:

Site Specific Safety Management System

Review client activities and develop custom safety management system that meets all provincial and federal regulations.

Custom Templates and Forms

Develop location specific forms and templates that can be quickly accessible from laptop, mobile, tablet for day to day and specific use.

Group Training Activity

Conduct Group training activities on Client Safety Management system, Safe work practices, regulations etc.

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Access to Online Modules

Provides access to various online modules such as Audit, Incident Management, Documentation inspections to enhance workplace safety.

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Site Specific Work Practices

Review clients activities and develop site specific safe work practices to meet and exceed regulatory requirements.

Assurance to Workplace safety Regulations

Assures the documentation always meets all the safety requirements of Provincial and Federal regulations.

Client Specific Training

Review client specific requirements on training and provide training on specific topics like working at heights, confined space entry etc.

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Consultancy on HSE

Provides consultancy and guidance on any kind of client requirements on HSE matters to meet and exceed regulatory requirements and to enhance workplace safety.